February 10, 2023 (9:00 PM - 10:30 PM)
### **Hunger Zero : A new Green Revolution**
Speakers : [Expert_Demo](mention:ad0bf2c6-75b9-4035-9bd9-13fcf5289f00 "/u/expert_demo/"), [Professor_Demo](mention:58246843-4104-4176-9e6b-ab5ef705bb67 "/u/professor_demo/") & [Advocator_Demo](mention:3e1654be-74a5-4342-86ed-08d40e18bf05 "/u/advocator_demo/")
**Better2morrow** "Hunger Zero" calls to improve the nutrition of all humans while ensuring that food production systems are less destructive of the planet.
Whereas the rhetoric quality of **Better2morrow** makes it appealing and convincing, this Webinar discusses the likely undesirable outcomes of its international adoption.
Namely, the application of southern and postcolonial theoretical frameworks, combined with a historical exploration reveal **Better2morrow** as a neo-imperialist and civilizatory discourse.
Webinar Link: [https://template1.digieco.systems/p/webinar-a-new-green-revolution](https://template1.digieco.systems/p/webinar-a-new-green-revolution)